species recognition

To accept or reject heterospecific mates: behavioural decisions underlying premating isolation

Premating isolation in animals involves decision-making processes that affect whether individuals accept or reject heterospecific mates. An integrative understanding of the behavioural processes underlying heterospecific acceptance can clarify the …

Nestling and adult sparrows respond differently to conspecific dialects

Understanding the causes and consequences of divergence in mate recognition traits has long been a fundamental question in evolutionary biology. In songbirds, songs are culturally transmitted, and cultural divergence can generate discrete geographic …

Introductory whistle is sufficient for early song recognition by golden-crowned sparrow nestlings

Many songbird species have a predisposition to learn conspecific songs, suggesting song learning may be guided by an innate auditory template. Evidence for such a template includes preferential response to conspecific song in early life, even before …